关于铅硼聚乙烯新型射线防护材料你了解多少呢?下面小刘来简单科普一下关于铅硼聚乙烯材料产品特性、产品应用、产品优点。What do you know about the new type of radiation protection material of Pb, B and PE The following Xiaoliu to briefly popular science about lead boron polyethylene material product characteristics, product application, product advantages.
产品名称:铅硼聚乙烯又称含铅聚乙烯板、铅硼板、伽马射线防护板。Product name: Lead boron polyethylene also known as lead polyethylene plate, lead boron plate, gamma ray protection plate.
产品特性:铅硼聚乙烯板综合了铅、硼的特性,是新型的防辐射 屏蔽中子、防伽马射线替代材料。Product characteristics: Lead boron-polyethylene plate synthesizes the characteristics of lead and boron, is a new type of radiation shielding neutron and gamma ray replacement material.
产品优点:铅硼聚乙烯板具有重量轻、体积小、耐腐蚀的特点。Advantages: Lead boron polyethylene plate has the characteristics of light weight, small size and corrosion resistance.
应用:铅硼聚乙烯广泛用于核电、核动力、空间辐射防护、军工、宇航、医疗等领域中。Application: Lead boron-polyethylene is widely used in nuclear power, nuclear power, space radiation protection, military, aerospace, medical and other fields.
另外 铅硼聚乙烯的含量和尺寸规格都是可以定制的。In addition, the content and size specifications of lead, boron and polyethylene can be customized.