以下是我公司北京融合国际展览有限公司提供的服务或产品,如果您对此感兴趣 ,可以电话与我联系,我司热忱欢迎每一个顾客,并将积极解决客户遇到的任何问题,如果您有什么疑问也可以及时联系咨询,沟通是良好合作的开端,我会用我的热情服务每一个顾客,选择我司就是选择信任。
Our main business is to provide customers with booth reservation services for
international exhibitions, booth design and construction services, travel arrangements
for exhibitors, exhibition transportation services, and customized personalized
services according to your needs
公司成立于:2016年 / Start:2016
Main business: Oil and Gas Exhibition, Pipe and Pipeline Exhibition, Pump
and Valve Exhibition, Metallurgical Casting Metal Exhibition, Welding
Exhibition, Industrial Exhibition, etc
业绩介绍:至今,融合展览已经累计参与了全球超过 200 多个重要的展览项目,服务
的中国企业超过 3000 家,得到了中国展商的广泛认可和好评。
Up to now, the confluent team has participated in over 200 important
exhibition projects worldwide, serving over 3000 Chinese enterprises and
receiving widespread recognition and praise from Chinese exhibitors