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CMA 降解认证一些基本要求

  • 发布时间:2024-05-31 09:21:53
    国家地区:福建 - 厦门
    用户等级: 普通手机验证 会员认证
    I’ve listed below the steps for testing submission: 1. Complete the attached CMA Compostability Profile, including manufacturer information, item numbers, item descriptions and item constituency. 1. Complete the attached CMA compostability profile Protocol to submit on behalf of a product manufacturer: To avoid repeated testing of the same products, and to ensure the accuracy of the information submitted, we require that only the product manufacturer completes the profile form. If a private label company or manufacturing representative would like to submit information for testing of products, the submission must be accompanied with a letter from the manufacturer stating that the information provided on the profile form is true and correct and gives authorization for all testing information to be provided to the authorized agent representing them. 2. Send 3-5 samples of each item listed, and label at least one of each item with the item # from the profile so it can be identified. Include a copy of the profile with the samples. Include all information on coatings, inks, varnishes, treatments and substrates. CMA 降解认证一些基本要求


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