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  • 发布时间:2024-06-18 15:34:03
    国家地区:福建 - 厦门
    用户等级: 普通手机验证 会员认证
    The requirements for their compostable certification are similar with EN 13432 (except for their heavy metals requirements, which are more stringent when compared to EN 13432  I already checked this and the heavy metals requirements for Greenpla compostable are also fulfilled for the product). Additionally, the sample needs to fulfill the requirements of the Greenpla logo itself. This evaluation is based on data which are probably present in the MSDS of the different constituents. I expect that if not enough data are available in the MSDS that they require that additional tests (probably biodegradation and ecotoxicity) are performed. Therefore, I think that it is useful to start with sending the detailed composition of the product together with the MSDS of the different constituents to JBPA in order to check if enough information is present in the MSDS or if they require that additional testing is performed. 日本生物降解标准与欧盟EN13432标准相似,但是在重金属标准方面更为严苛


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