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  • 发布时间:2018-03-16 16:25:01
    国家地区:广东 - 东莞

    用户等级: 普通手机验证

    高价回收 泰克DPO3014混合信号示波器







    Tektronix DPO3014数字示波器  简便易用功能

     Wave Inspector- 控制功能,轻松导航和自动搜索波形数据

      29 种自动测量FFT 分析,简化波形分析

      TekVPI- 探头接口支持有源探头、差分探头和电流探头,自动定标和确定单位

      9 英寸(229 mm) WVGA 宽屏彩色显示器

      体积小,重量轻- 仅厚5.8 英寸(147mm),仅重9 磅(4 公斤)

    When you are working on a task, make a conscious effort to remain focused. Sure, you'll have intrusive thoughts like maybe I should check my email or this desk could really do with tidying. Just recognize that those thoughts are impulses which you don't need to give into. If you think of something while you're working on your task like I really must phone Joe, then just make a note on a bit of paper or in your diary so you don't forget – and get on with the task at hand.

    Tektronix DPO3014数字示波器  连接能力

      前面板和后面板上的USB 2.0主机端口,迅速简便地存储数据、进行打印及连接USB 键盘

      后面板上的USB 2.0 设备端口,简便地连接PC 或直接打印兼容PictBridge- 的打印机

      集成10/100 以太网端口,用于联网和视频输出端口,把示波器显示画面导出到监视器或投影仪上

    Finally, one of the best ways to make more time in your life is to finish your work on time! If you work for an employer, make an effort to leave the office on time – at least a couple of days each week. (I know this is difficult if your workplace has a long-hours culture).  Tektronix DPO3014数字示波器  选配串行触发和分析功能

      I2C、SPI、CAN、LIN、RSUART和I2S/LJ/RJ/TDM 自动串行触发、解码和搜索选项

    Although multitasking feels efficient – because it feels busy – it actually loses you time. By sticking to doing one thing at a time, you'll be much more focused and able to produce your best work: there's nothing efficient about rushing a job which you then end up having to redo.泰克DPO3014数字示波器混合信号设计和分析(MSO 系列)



      MagniVuTM高速采集技术,在数字通道上提供了121.2 ps的精细定时分辨率



      HDTV 和自定义视频分析

    If you work for yourself, you need to be even more self-disciplined, as your work is likely to be very easily accessible when you're at home! Some good ways to create a boundary at the end of the day are to keep your work separate from the rooms in your house where you relax. You could also schedule something social in the evening (perhaps meeting friends for a drink) so that you can't get caught up in "just one more email".


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