CYCOLOY MC1300是聚碳酸酯和丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(PC + ABS)的混合物。它是无定形的,耐用的,并且易于加工,具有低温延展性。它具有优异的流动性、抗冲击性和高耐热性。它提供刚度和出色的表面美感。它适用于注塑成型加工。CYCOLOY树脂MC1300用于汽车电镀应用。
CYCOLOY MC1300 is a blend of Polycarbonate and Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (PC + ABS). It is amorphous, durable and offers ease of processing with low-temperature ductility. It exhibits excellent flow, impact and high heat resistance. It provides stiffness and outstanding surface aesthetics. It is suitable for processing by injection molding. CYCOLOY Resin MC1300 is used for electroplating applications in automotive.