Makrolon 2405是一种通用、耐冲击、低粘度的聚碳酸酯(PC)级。它表现出易于释放、高耐热性、良好的韧性、良好的尺寸稳定性、高蠕变模量和良好的电绝缘性能。由该等级制成的产品具有经用性、高效的可重复使用性以及节约能源和二氧化碳排放。它是通过注射成型加工的。2405用于电气和电子应用,如唤醒灯型号。
Makrolon 2405 is a general purpose, impact resistant, low viscosity, polycarbonate (PC) grade. It exhibits easy release, high heat resistance, good toughness, good dimensional stability, high creep modulus and good electrical insulation properties. The products made from the grade provides durability, efficient reusability and energy and CO2 emission savings. It is processed by injection molding. 2405 is used in electrical & electronic applications like wake-up light models.