Apec 2097是一种线性、无定形、高粘度、紫外线稳定的共聚聚碳酸酯级,易于释放。提供高韧性、低温冲击强度、玻璃状透明度、良好的金属化以及高尺寸精度和稳定性。具有良好的电气性能、抗冲击性、高耐热性(158°C至203°C之间)以及对饱和脂肪烃、醇、稀矿物酸以及中性和酸性盐溶液的良好耐受性。显示出良好的耐候性、流动性和-30°C至+200°C的宽温度范围。Apec 2097可以通过注射成型进行加工。适合在高温应用中用作玻璃、金属或标准聚碳酸酯的替代品。应用包括灯罩和前照灯透镜。
Apec 2097 by Covestro is a linear, amorphous, high viscosity and UV stabilized co-polycarbonate grade with easy release. Provides high toughness, low-temperature impact strength, glass-like transparency, good metallization and high dimensional accuracy and stability. Exhibits good electrical properties, impact resistance, high heat resistance (between 158°C and 203°C) and good resistance to saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, dilute mineral acids, and both neutral and acid salt solutions. Shows good weatherability, flowability and broad temperature range from -30°C to +200°C. Apec 2097 can be processed by injection molding. Is suitable to be used as a replacement for glass, metal or standard polycarbonate in high-heat applications. Applications include lamp covers and headlamp lenses.