DURANEX 3216 是一种阻燃聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯 (PBT) 牌号,具有 50% 的回收量和 15% 的玻璃纤维增强层。具有良好的质地和香气保留特性。提供耐燃油、耐油脂和耐油性能。适用于注塑成型加工。用于电子/机电和汽车应用。符合UL认证和RoHS标准。
DURANEX 3216 is a flame retardant polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) grade having 50 % regrind and reinforced with 15 % glass fiber. Possesses good texture and aroma retaining properties. Offers fuel-, grease and oil resistance. Is suitable for processing by injection molding. Used in electronic/ electro-mechanical and automotive applications. Complies with UL certification and RoHS.