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Tektronix、PED3202 PED3000

  • 发布时间:2023-02-14 09:08:30
    国家地区:广东 - 深圳
    用户等级: 普通手机验证 会员认证
    --- 产品详情 ---

    型号 说明 大位速率 配置和报价
    PED3201 1 通道误码检测器 32 Gb/s 配置并报价
    PED3202 2 通道误码检测器 32 Gb/s 配置并报价
    PED4001 1 通道误码检测器 40 Gb/s 配置并报价
    PED4002 2 通道误码检测器 40 Gb/s 配置并报价

    Effective multi-channel BER for stressed receiver testing of data communications designs.

    The Tektronix PED line of high-performance error detectors offer single and two-channel standalone configurations capable of BER measurement and analysis at data rates up to 40 Gb/s for NRZ and multi-level signals. The PED products support either PRBS or user-defined data patterns, with simple to use automatic or manual alignment of input clock and data, and pattern synchronization. The PED product makes an ideal companion for the Tektronix PatternPro® PPG pattern generator product family.


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