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  • 发布时间:2021-10-08 15:42:34
    国家地区:河北 - 衡水
    用户等级: 普通手机验证 会员认证





    Inner Mongolia Mushroom shelf - Mushroom rack can be made of 7 layers

          Mushroom mesh is a kind of high-quality Q235 low-carbon steel wire welded, the leather phase is plasticized, the mesh surface is flat, the mesh is uniform, the solder joint is consolidated, and has good corrosion resistance. Because the low-carbon and high-quality material is used as the material, which makes it unique in the flexibility that the iron screen does not have, and determines its plasticity in use. After deep processing and manufacturing, it is economical and affordable. Mushroom net has been widely used in many areas of China. Color: dark green, grass green, yellow, white, blue, etc.

         Generally, 3.0-4.0 mm steel wire is used to produce mushroom mesh, which can reach 4.0-5.0 mm after molding. The mesh size is about 11 to 15 mm, and the sizes are 1.28 * 2.53 m and 1.33 * 2.63 M.

         With the state's efforts to support agricultural planting and agricultural technology, "agricultural fever" has sprung up all over the country. As a low threshold, easy to operate, with technical support, good economic benefits, greenhouse planting industry is in full swing. In the edible fungi greenhouse, not only must grow fast, but also through the standardized process to ensure the quality and safety. How to improve the economic benefits of edible fungi and reduce the market risk, one is to select the raw materials with high nutritional value and no mildew as the nutrient materials for cultivating edible fungi. Second, timely cultivation. If the summer cultivation of autumn and winter varieties certainly not, winter cultivation of summer varieties is also not good, late planting is not good. The third is to select high-quality and high-yield strains. As the saying goes, "a good seed produces a good seedling", without a good strain, a good yield can not be achieved. Fourth, improve product quality. Pick them at the right time. The growth of edible fungi can be divided into three stages: prophase, metaphase and anaphase. At the later stage, a large number of spores have been coniferous and aged, and their weight and quality will decline.



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