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  • 发布时间:2020-08-11 14:29:57
    国家地区:广东 - 深圳
    用户等级: 普通手机验证 会员认证

    List of Documents/Records to be made available to the Verifier(s)


    Factory Profile: 公司文件

    1. Company Profile 公司简介

    2. Business Registration License 营业执照

    3. Tax Registration 税务登记

    4. Organization chart 组织架构图

    5. Land use/construction permit 土地使用/建筑许可

    6. List of Machineries 机器设备清单

    7. Company vehicle list 公司车辆清单

    8. Production process flow chart 生产流程图

    9. List of subcontractors if any 分包商清单(若适用)

    10. Dormitory details 宿舍具体信息

    11. List of Fire equipment 消防设施清单

    12. Any certificate by any other independent organization like SA8000, ICTI etc. 独立机构颁发的证书:例如SA8000,ICTI等

    13. Building approval plan (architectural & structural) from concern Govt. authority; A

    pproved building construction lay out from engineering authority if applicabl

    e 建设工程规划许可证(如适用)

    14. Building layout approval from fire service & Fire Occupancy Certificate 建筑消防设计批复

    15. Employee name list 员工名册

    Recruitment / Hiring & Termination 招聘/雇佣&终止

    1. Recruitment policies and procedures & Age verification process 招聘政策和程序&年龄识别程序

    2. Child Labour Remediation Procedure 童工补救措施

    3. Security Service Contract 安保合同

    4. Training Records other than Health & Safety 除健康安全外的其它人事培训记录

    5. Work permits (internal /external) 工作许可证(内部/外部)

    6. Employment Contracts 劳动合同

    7. Job announcement/description, job application form if applicable 工作岗位简介,职位申请表(若适用)

    8. Labor broker contract & dispatching worker personal records/contract 劳务合同、派遣员工人事记录/合同

    9. Apprenticeship program (if applicable) 学徒培训(若适用)

    10. Immigrant workers (working permit /visa, passport, contract, personal records) 外籍员工的工作许可证/签证,护照,合同,及人事档案 (若适用)

    11. Adolescent workers (registration/approval letter from local labor bureau, health ch

    ecking record) 未成年工(注册/劳动局批准函,体检记录)

    12. Termination policy and procedure, training records 合同终止政策和程序,培训记录

    13. Employee resign records 雇员离职记录

    Working Hours: 工作时间

    1. Time in/out records (Working hour & overtime hour records) 上下班工时记录(正常工


    2. Production records (Cutting, stitching, quality etc.) 生产记录(切割,缝合,质量等记录)

    3. Overtime waiver if any 加班批文(若适用)

    4. Comprehensive working hours permit if applicable 综合工时批文(若适用)

    5. Working hours policy including voluntary overtime policy 工时政策包含自愿加班政策

    6. Overtime approval process/procedure and OT request records if applicable 加班审批流程/手续,加班申请记录(若适用)


    Wages & Benefits 工资&福利

    1. Minimum wage Notification zuidi工资标准的通知

    2. Payroll (Wage records) 工资表(工资记录)

    3. Full & Final Settlement 工资发放记录及离职员工薪资结算记录

    4. Leave records 休假记录

    5. Bonus records 奖金记录

    6. EOBI (Employees Old Age Benefit) records 雇员高龄津贴(若适用)

    7. Social security records & commercial insurance records 社会保险记录或商业保险记录

    8. Receipts showing tax payments / social security remittances to appropriate public agencies 支付给政府机构的纳税/社保汇款的收据

    9. Evidence of granting maternity/paternity leave and subsequent return to work. 产假/陪产假记录,返回工作岗位的证明

    10. Piece rate wages sheet if applicable 计件工资清单(若适用)

    11. Annual leave and any paid leave payment record 年假和其他带薪假期记录

    12. Bank transferring records (for wages if applicable) 银行转账记录(针对工资部分,若适用)


    Employee Treatment & Involvement: 员工待遇&员工参与

    1. Records from disciplinary procedures 纪律处分程序的记录

    2. Meeting notes from any type of worker/management committee. 任何形式的员工组织管理委员会的会议记录

    3. Trade union records 工会记录

    4. Grievance register / Grievance mechanism (procedure, intake channel, investigation/

    solution/ feedback records 申诉登记/申诉机制(流程,受理渠道,调查/解决方案/反馈记录)

    5. Org Chart of Trade union, worker/management committee 工会,工人/管理委员会组织结构图

    6. Written policies regarding anti-harassment, physical/sexual/emotional abuse and no

    n-discrimination, no forced labor. 反骚扰,反体罚/性骚扰/精神虐待,反歧视,反强迫用工书面政策

    7. Freedom of association procedure 自由结社程序



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